February 11, 2025
Timeless Age Medical

Humans are having a lot of issues with respect to health conditions. The time goes the issues are getting intense. Though new diseases and inconveniences emerge counter treatments are also discovered and implemented immediately to cure those issues. If an issue is raised and many treatments and therapies are suggested where they may choose the best one based on the outcome. In case, we take the therapy then can list many and may pick the one according to the issues. In this article let us discuss one of the therapies named shockwave therapy and its benefits briefly.

Shock Wave Therapy:  It is a kind of therapy that is mainly used sound waves to treat and cure damaged tissues. The name itself will tell you the nature of the therapy. Why they are using sound waves? Actually, if we look up the background of sound waves that are assisting to enhance blood circulation and reduce inflammation. These activities will always support curing the issues as fast as possible.

Apart from this, the shockwave is used to treat the issue called erectile dysfunction (ED). For this issue, recent therapy is used. In this treatment, low-intensity sound waves will be used to stimulate the local angiogenesis to treat the issues. This kind of low-intensity sound wave usage is called linear shock wave therapy. In these modern days, this Linear Shock Wave Therapy for ED is used by many to get cured comfortably.

Timeless Age Medical

Credentials of Chock Wave therapy:

  • It is one of the therapies that is used to cure the range of injuries.
  • Shock wave therapy is a noninvasive therapy hence that will not destroy the other tissues during the application.
  • This is one of the therapies that is cleared by FDA approval to treat and cure pain.
  • This therapy is recommended to treat tendonitis.
  • The therapy is usually consumed only two to three minutes and a person needs to access this at least for a month.